Sunday, May 20, 2012

One Step Closer and Eclipse Running

Week Summary (5/20/12)
Elgin Trail (IL): 5.0 mi (+112 ft); 12:23 pace
Larrys Lasso: 9.3 mi (+1,138 ft); 11:22 pace
Emma Quarry OB: 5.7 mi (+519 ft); 10:22 pace
Carson River Flats: 5.2 mi (+18 ft); 9:11 pace
Silver State 50K: 31.2 mi (+5,431 ft); 11:46 pace
Ophir Grade: 4.8 mi (+617 ft); 11:26 pace

Weekly Totals: 61.1 mi (+7,863 ft); 11:34:47 on trail

The peak week of training arrived and, as quickly, passed. I was still in Elgin, Illinois, on Monday but so were the senior members of the Young Mountain Runners! We laced up early in the morning and cruised for a while along the Fox River which passes very near my Aunt Sharon's house where we were staying. We jogged along the bike path to the edge of downtown and back. Dennis and Mary sported some new road shoes from Brooks while I bounced along in my Hokas; huge shoes compared to their sporty models. It was great fun.

Flew home to Nevada on Tuesday and followed up the sedentism of the plane ride with a hilly circle on Larrys Lasso north of VC. Then continued a normal training week with the Emma Quarry Base and some fun Tempo work on the flats of the Carson River. 

The week culminated in the Silver State 50K, up and over Peavine Mountain on the north edge of Reno (a full race report is coming). My goal was to continue my training with a 6-hour run with friends and aid stations. This training run resulted in a 50K PR, but the elevation gain, though stout, was lower than my previous 50K efforts so I'm not too surprised. It was a great day on the trail where I was happy to climb reasonably well but my descents are slower than I expect for that distance. Maybe I'd push through if it was a focus event with taper and rest on either side.

Slowly up the grade on this Sunday evening, as the annular solar eclipse approaches its peak. Dez followed Tephra and I to the summit where we could have a couple beers and celebrate the end of the world, or not.  Very cool astronomical oddity; perfect for my Eclipse Running shirt!  Over 60 miles this week, a new record which will only be broken in less than three weeks.

As it is, I continue toward San Diego. Feeling great though a little humbled by how I felt after 30 miles at Silver State.  Still it'll be a different kind of event and as Tim says, your body just seems to know what it's in for...   I'm ready (I think).   

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