Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reset Week with Outback Time

Week Summary
Combination Loop: 3.3 mi (+456 ft); 11:17 pace
Town Loop: 4.8 mi (+624 ft); 10:28 pace
Sutro Springs Loop: 5.0 mi (+833 ft); 12:05 pace
Humboldt Bar OB: 10.1 mi (+140 ft); 12:20 pace

Weekly Totals: 23.2 mi (+2,054 ft); 4:31:57 on trail

A nice break before the final training push before San Diego. Feeling really good, wish I could say the same for Darren who's slowly working back into it. 

A three-day fieldwork session out in the Humboldt Sink provided a lot of time on my feet hiking through sand dunes and across old lakebeds. Saturdays short run took me out to Sutro Springs -- the day got short so I swapped Saturday and Sunday trail time. I looped around Sutro Springs looking for the well-known obsidian source but failed to come across very much at all. Surprising given the common source so I likely need another look.

Sunday I talked Sarah Rice, training for her first half-marathon, into a two-hour out-and-back to check out the Humboldt Bar, the sill between the Humboldt and Carson Sinks, on the road home from our fieldwork. Good days in the Nevada Outback. Ready to move forward into the few weeks leading to 100.

On the California Trail toward Humboldt Bar

The Humboldt River cuts through the Pleistocene landform

East toward the Humboldt Sink

Sarah finishing her 10 miles; sorry about the grime on the lens!

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