Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Travel Week

Week Summary (5/12/12)
Carson River Flats: 10.0 mi (+132 ft); 9:01 pace
Ash Canyon Tracks: 7.3 mi (+1,104 ft); 10:16 pace
KC International Half (MO): 13.4 mi (+575 ft); 10:19 pace

Weekly Totals: 30.7 mi (+1,811 ft); 5:03:46 on trail

Tough work week getting ready for the weekend trip to my niece's University of Illinois graduation, but made some quality tempo and hill repeats before climbing on a plane to Kansas City. Dennis and Mary would be picking me up on Saturday morning to continue our trip east, so I scrambled to get in some hours.

When you land at an unfamiliar airport in the middle of the night and taxi to an all-too-familiar hotel (they all seem alike), finding a "trail" or non-pavement run the next morning seems impossible. But Google maps and the Android tablet saved the morning! I quickly noticed that Kansas City International Airport had a very clear boundary fence and what looked to be a dirt road running along its outer perimeter. I bolted from the hotel, crossed under the interstate, and within a mile I was on a perfect dirt two-track. Slightly rolling, the track followed the geometric shape of the airport as I viewed grazing cows on one-hand and up-close arrivals and departures on the other. Airport security made one pass by me on the inside of the fence but must have determined I was harmless. 

It felt strange to be running the prairie, but good to get a little time in before joining the journey of the Young Moutnain Runners into the depths of Illinois. Far short of my training target for the week but feeling very good nonetheless.

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