Sunday, April 28, 2013

Looking for the routine...

We all go about our daily and weekly routines a bit (or maybe, very) differently. I simply have to have a schedule. I can't always stick to it, but it tends to help keep everything from happening at the same time. Since the Buffalo 100 I'd been working in some recovery runs without much structure or planning. It was actually kind of nice. You know, turn on the Garmin but not check it at all during the run. No worry about time, distance, or pace. 

But then my work schedule went nuts and I lost my daily rhythm. Log jams seemed unbreakable and my running bouts were the only place I felt productive, and that's when I'm not working. 

So I was relieved this week to get back into my training charts, thanks to Footfeathers, and it's no surprise that  the other parts of the day started to work themselves out. Some might consider following a schedule, training or otherwise, restrictive. But not me. The runs are planned and scheduled out, and I stick to them 99% of the time, but I let my choice of trail with its particular setting and challenges (or lack of) provide the daily freedom.

I got my first run on the TRT this week. Just a few patches of snow in the first three miles west of Brockway summit. Felt great. However, I felt rather stagnant on Friday and into Saturday. It seemed like I was still feeling the last four miles of Buffalo. I was going pretty good, but it seemed I couldn't give it any more or it might not last much longer. I rebounded Sunday with a good morning up on Ophir Grade, go-to good dirt I can count on.

Happy Birthday to Mom. Mary now breaks into the 70 age-group. As Tim mentioned to me this morning, she'll likely go undefeated in her age-group for the next 30 years.  It's what she does...

Week Summary 4/28/2013

Carson River Flats: 4.8 mi (+15 ft); 9:55 pace
TRT Brockway OB: 6.1 mi (+1,075 ft); 10:40 pace
Spring Valley Loop: 4.4 mi (+207 ft); 10:22 pace
Centennial Circuits: 16.2 mi (+2,484 ft); 12:12 pace
Ophir Grade OB: 9.0 mi (+840 ft); 10:37 pace

Weekly Totals: 40.6 mi (+4,621 ft); 7:32:10 on trail

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The "We" in IWWD...

It's What We Do. 

I've always hoped, just a bit, that our little motivational motto, IWWD, with it's mountainous ups-and-downs, has carried the Young Mountain Runners, our friends, and maybe one or two of my four readers to some new trail-running goals -- be it a 10K, a half-marathon, a marathon, or one of the ultra distances. On a few days when I thought it too cold, too busy, or too whatever, to get out and run, these four words have led me to the trail. Usually to find a bit of solace, rejuvenation, or some new-found speed, things I otherwise might have missed.

But this week IWWD took on a much bigger meaning, as the WE expanded to the universe of runners, supporters, and everyone affected by the tragic events that unfolded in Boston. I don't do road events. I've never done a marathon. But WE run, and we will continue to run. It means all of us now.

On that very Monday, on the opposite coast, I left a friend at the Stanford Hospital; a friend I would not see again. As he lived with his cancer, Jim had long been within the WE. He motivated me daily to seek out new trails. He crewed for me and marveled at the efforts of Darren and Tim (and all the others) at the Pine-to-Palm 100. On Thursday, Jim made one last trip over the Sierra and, I imagine, finding peace in his home, passed away a few hours later.

It was a week where running seemed ludicrous. But as the citizens of Boston sought a bit of closure, Tim hit the trail at the Zion 100, thinking of Jim though he'd only spent a couple days with him seven months ago. Dennis and Mary found success at the Desert Rats Half in Fruita, CO. I volunteered at the Prison Hill Half in Carson City, NV. 

As the week progressed, amongst the deafening news-noise, motivating stories emerged from Boston, and Jim came home. Meanwhile, I surrounded myself, over and over, with the words of Frank Shorter, marathon winner at the tragic 1972 Olympics, "This is as scared as I get. Now let's go run."

It's What We Do.

Jim Carter - On the way to Game 1 of the 2012 World Series.
Week Summary 4/21/2013

Goni Trails East: 6.9 mi (+1,020 ft); 11:33 pace
V&T OB: 4.6 mi (+230 ft); 9:52 pace
Sun Mtn Loop: 15.8 mi (+2,460 ft); 11:53 pace

Weekly Totals: 27.2 mi (+3,710 ft); 5:11:45 on trail

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Although I had some nice easy runs mid-week, I took some time this weekend to be with a good friend fighting cancer. Jim crewed for me at the Pine to Palm 100 last fall only a few days after learning his cancer had relapsed and that he had new battles ahead.

We'll run for Jim, and all those like him.

Keep going...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mild Echoes

Well, the post-Buffalo break is over as I easily let the recovery work its magic. I picked up again on Tuesday after about a 10-day break from the trail. The echoes from Buffalo consisted of some high-ankle soreness, and this was actually worse when simply sitting still. Once I got back on the trail and let things shake out a bit, it all felt surprisingly good.

I cruised the trails this week without an agenda, enjoying the springtime and happy to be warm again! Ash Tracks on Thursday was especially nice, the single-track is in great shape and I felt pretty strong on the climbs. After a couple hundred miles in the Hokas it felt good to be back in the La Sportivas; I may have to think about some long distances in the CLites to see how the ankles respond.

The Trail Option  race report from the American Canyon 50K was published in the April issue of Ultrarunning Magazine. Thanks to Harlan Reymont the American Canyon RD for submitting it. 

Week Summary 4/7/2013

Carson River Flats: 4.8 mi (+4 ft); 9:42 pace
Ash Tracks: 5.8 mi (+1,095 ft); 10:45 pace
Emma Quarry OB: 5.6 mi (+452 ft); 9:07 pace
Weekly Totals: 17.3 mi (+1,550 ft); 2:51:24 on trail