Sunday, August 26, 2012

In the Dark toward Pine to Palm

Week Summary (8/26/12)


Ophir Grade OB: 10.7 mi (+1,180 ft); 11:06 pace
Fazio Levee HR OB: 6.0 mi (+51 ft); 10:21 pace
TRT - Spooner to Red House Loop: 23.0 mi (3,766 ft); 12:17 pace
Emma - Seven Circuits: 11.1 mi (+1,190 ft); 11:05 pace

Weekly Totals: 50.8 mi (+6,187 ft); 9:46:43 on trail

First time I have had two 50+ weeks in succession, and I missed days in both due to travel.  Nice.

Started the week with an evening Base run up the local grade, I like that little excursion because it so often sets the tone for the week or wraps things up in a good way. The views are good so it doesn't get old repeating the same basic route.

Spent much of the week in Davis, California, for work, but got in a pre-dawn effort, an oddity for me, on the Fazio Levee out on the Sacramento River. I used this for a Heart Rate test requested by Footfeathers. I warmed up for 10 minutes and then continued for a 5-mile interval keeping my heartrate at 135. He asked for the Time of Day, Temperature, Avg HR, and Avg Pace.  So the results are, 6:10 AM, 70 degrees, 136 HR and 9:56 pace. It was basically at sea-level, so translating that to training indices for up here might be a bit spurious. Probably should repeat the test nearer my typical altitude.

Then on Saturday I hit the TRT for some elevation and a nighttime training spree. Explored some routes of the TRT out to Marlette Campground and down to Red House and Hobart Reservoir. As I climbed onto Snow Valley Peak, the orange-blue glow of Lake Tahoe reflect the long-set sun and a few stars. A half-moon lit the single-track until I descended into the forest. Five miles later I'd felt pretty speedy moving along the trail in the beam of my headlamp. The once-packed Spooner Trailhead parking was now empty with only the Yota waiting for my return; I like those lonely exits from the woods. I sat at the car for a few minutes enjoying the rush of the post-run and the glow of the stars at the pass. A good one; especially for the night practice that is so important for improving my 100-mile time.

Sunday was a slog paying for the mileage of Saturday. Just couldn't get going, still I met my target pace so I think the purpose of getting back on tired legs was fulfilled. First run in the La Sportiva Crosslite 2.0s, those felt very nice on the feet, it was the legs that held 'em in check. I think they'll be pretty fast on the tempos to come.

Dennis and Mary have been knocking out some long training runs and testing out their new Hokas. Dad felt pretty good about taking 11 minutes off their half-marathon-length training run. Darren is slightly radioactive after a CAT scanning hunting for a misplaced calcium pebble should one exist in his innards somewhere. We'll get some news this week so that we can finalize the plans for the Pine to Palm 100; now only three weeks away! We'll be ready.  

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