Week Summary
Carson River 3: 3.3 mi (+17 ft); 9:04 pace
Long Valley OB: 7.4 mi (+428 ft); 9:19 pace
Long Valley OB: 7.4 mi (+428 ft); 9:19 pace
Washoe Lake Loop Plus: 8.9 mi (+738 ft); 10:54 pace
Sun Mtn: Spanish-Bullion: 6.4 mi (+1,731 ft); 15:37 pace
Sun Mtn: Spanish-Bullion: 6.4 mi (+1,731 ft); 15:37 pace
Weekly Totals: 25.9 mi (+2,914 ft); 4::54:35 on trail
As I've mentioned before, Thanksgiving Day is my "running" anniversary. Last year (2010), after a conversation with my brother Darren, fascinated by his desire to race 100 miles at Antelope Island, I went out to Long Valley and knocked off seven miles. I didn't know what "pace" was, I didn't even keep track of time. I had simply laid out a route in Google Earth, put on a few layers (it was 11 degrees that day), grabbed the YakTrax, and off I went. The addiction wouldn't set in until six months later, but I started a regular routine to prepare for the field time in Africa and to better understand Darren's training efforts.
As I've mentioned before, Thanksgiving Day is my "running" anniversary. Last year (2010), after a conversation with my brother Darren, fascinated by his desire to race 100 miles at Antelope Island, I went out to Long Valley and knocked off seven miles. I didn't know what "pace" was, I didn't even keep track of time. I had simply laid out a route in Google Earth, put on a few layers (it was 11 degrees that day), grabbed the YakTrax, and off I went. The addiction wouldn't set in until six months later, but I started a regular routine to prepare for the field time in Africa and to better understand Darren's training efforts.
Twelve hundred miles later, Darren and I returned to Long Valley on Thanksgiving morning to mark the beginning of another season. It was my first effort in a month or so where I went for more than 30 minutes, a refreshing change from the needed rest period. In fact, it felt so good to be back on the trail I continued into the weekend with some easy but longer outings. This will grow into December as trail time and effort gradually increase; the first races might be as early as February (the 2012 race calendar will get set after the Western States lottery on Dec 10th).
As I diverted energy away from the trail during the rest period, I was soon scouring Google Earth for new trails around Virginia City. We'll get plenty of snow (someday) but it typically gets packed enough to continue getting miles in, and the deep snow of Sun Mtn will provide some great post-holing hill-climb workouts. With this in mind, and looking to add some longer efforts to next season, I turned to the maps and went on some virtual runs. I started with the equine endurance course of the VC 100 and soon had three loops (50+26+24) mapped out stretching from the Highlands to Moundhouse. Darren and I will begin checking portions of these (including Long Valley) and have already begun to consider a possible "Fat Ass" run where we'll invite a few folks for an informal 50+ mile event.
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Great single-track above Washoe Lake. |
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Spanish Ravine above Virginia City |
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Tephra and Snow -- Sun Mtn Summit |
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Top of Bullion Canyon -- a great, short trail. |
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Dennis and Mary - "No running in the house." |
At about the same time, somewhere in Texas, another set of Young runners gave chase in the Turkey Trot fun. Rising to the challenge, Heather reported their Thanksgiving success, "Bryan got a silver (lid) of Greeek strawberry yogurt and I got a gole (banana) and peanut butter after our race." Now those are awards to sink your teeth into. Keep going.
Cheers to the team. IWWD.
Cool new header photo(s)! I'm ready to get going next month.