Deadmans - Scripps Loop: 7.8 mi (+1,455 ft); 11:15 pace
Carson River Flats: 6.0 mi (+31 ft); 9:48 pace
Goni Hill Repeats: 6.7 mi (+1,121 ft); 11:05 pace
Ruhenstroth No. 5: 6.6 mi (+596 ft); 10:35 pace
Goni Hill Repeats: 6.7 mi (+1,121 ft); 11:05 pace
Ruhenstroth No. 5: 6.6 mi (+596 ft); 10:35 pace
Lower Pine Nut Loop: 14.6 mi (+1,079 ft); 11:31 pace
Weekly Totals: 41.8 mi (+4,282 ft); 7:39:35 on trail
Lower Pine Nut Loop: 14.6 mi (+1,079 ft); 11:31 pace
Weekly Totals: 41.8 mi (+4,282 ft); 7:39:35 on trail
The blurring of the seasons is upon us - a winter deep-freeze in the last weeks of fall, Darren, Desna, and I are ramping up and signing up for 2014, and Dennis and Mary capped an amazing 2013 "50/70" season with gold.
First, hearty congrats to Mom and Dad. Thirteen races - one ultra, five marathons, a few "halfs", and some miscellaneous distances where they racked up the miles, the podium hardware, and, the best part, immeasurable success. Anywhere between Moab and Grand Junction, the race directors recognize the senior elites when they show up. They took home age-group gold in Moab this weekend. We are all chasing and being led by these two, keep going!
Cold over Ruhenstroth |
Making tracks on Pine Nut Road |
Toward Mount Siegel |
Locked gates ahead, but good snow now. |
Signed up for the +TRT 100 lottery and registered for the Ascent Runs Winter Trail Series for some good times with Kevin and the great trail runners from the area.
Great photo's of those cold lonely trails. Can't wait to check them out with you!