Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's a Start...

Week Summary 11/24/2013

Mexican Dam OB: 6.2 mi (+134 ft); 10:16 pace
Ash Canyon Loop: 6.0 mi (+871 ft); 10:36 pace
Mexican Ditch OB: 4.7 mi (+40 ft); 9:44 pace
Sammamish River Trail OB (WA): 12.1 mi (+75 ft); 10:29 pace
Residential Inn OB (WA): 5.8 mi (+177 ft); 10:29 pace

Weekly Totals: 34.9 mi (+1,296 ft); 6:01:18 on trail

We are getting settled into Solsticeshire, our home outside Gardnerville, Nevada, so it was time to get things rolling again. I'd done about 36 easy miles in November, during the move, and leading up to this week, so it felt really good to be on the trail again. I kept it pretty easy on the local trails and enjoyed some asphalt trails in the suburbs of Seattle, where we joined Dennis and Mary and a great group of locals for our daughter's wedding. It was a great time, and so good to hit a five-day, 30-plus week again. Starting to search for events and goals for next year.

My first goal of 2014 has already been crushed. Rules are rules, but as I wrapped up my 2013 season I was sure I had a Western States qualifier in the bag. I'd had a good time at the Antelope Island 100 in the spring, and though I was defeated at Leadville, I still thought I'd be in the Western States lottery for the 2014 event. I learned different when I went to sign up last weekend. The Antelope Island 50 remains a qualifier but the 100 has been dropped from the list in the last few years. So qualifying twice in (almost) the same day doesn't count. Seems a bit silly, but I should have checked. Even sillier, I ran about 40% of the Headlands 50M (a qualifier) while Darren competed in that event, thereby gaining his qualifier. Had I only known. 

There have been some tidal shifts in qualifying requirements for a number of events primarily due to the popularity of certain events where participant numbers are limited by permitting requirements or long-held race culture. It's isn't necessarily a big deal for someone like me. I don't mind qualifying and I don't mind lotteries, and I want most events to maintain some sense of sanity. I'll look for other opportunities, and because Western States is one I'd really like to do, I'll seek other qualifiers.

But it's early, time to get the feet under me and get the base ready for 2014.  Here's to another week of forward movement.

Footnote: Dad's St. George Race Report is the most popular post in the two-year run of Trail Option. Ok, I'll have him post more often.  

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