Week Summary - January 20, 2013
The trails are still snow-bound and the deep-freeze has solidified the tracked trails into ankle-crushing textures where any pace results in a constant stumble. We need a few warm days to relieve the inversion and soften the snow -- snowy trails are fun, ice-sculpted tracks not so much.
So I kept it simple this week. Some workload forced me on to the treadmill for a spin and I enjoyed some cross work with core and a short jog mid-week. Goni Road was a nice surprise. Good hard-pack snow that the big trucks that usually work the quarry are currently avoiding. It provides some nice elevation gain and even gets into some nice air above the inversion.
Darren on Fort Churchill Road - Mile 12 |
Feeling much better after a Sunday shake-out around Virginia City. It's also a good sign that the snow on the dirt tracks is softening up. Certainly because it's probably 20 degrees warmer up here than down in the valleys; nice to be breathing above the inversion too!
The Young Mountain Runners will rendezvous this week in Reno. Celebrating some milestone birthdays and a 50th Anniversary. Some Age Category changes take place this year as both Dennis and Mary move into the 70+ category. Hey, keep going...
EF Treadmill: 4.3 mi (+0 ft); 10:32 pace
Empire OB: 3.7 mi (+30 ft); 10:05 pace
Fort Churchill Road OB: 22.2 mi (+269 ft); 9:43 pace
VC Circuits: 5.8 mi (+456 ft); 10:22 pace
Goni Road Hill Climb: 7.6 mi (+1,723 ft); 11:18 pace
SaturdayFort Churchill Road OB: 22.2 mi (+269 ft); 9:43 pace
VC Circuits: 5.8 mi (+456 ft); 10:22 pace
Weekly Totals: 43.6 mi (+2,477 ft); 7:23:59 on trail